Sunday 24 March 2013


I never thought I would say something like that but right now I'm fed up with snow.

Five months of snow is enough!

I want warm weather, I want to see the Sun, I want to wear short sleeves without getting a cold the next day and I want my kids - and me - finally to be healthy.

In the last two weeks, we've been to doctors twelve (12!) times. And we had to cancel another appointment for being ill :-/

And since being ill at home with two ill kids isn't very productive, I don't have much to write about.

I'll just post a picture of Banksia to make us all happy.

Sunday 10 March 2013

Angry Birds gym bag

Mini Mojcek Nr.1 has been practicing Judo since September and all this time he was carrying his kimono in an old plastic bag. It has now fallen apart and it was time to make him a new one.

I used the off-white canvas that was left over from the Luke Skywalker costume. First I wanted to make a plain simple bag but it was just so ... plain. I decided to liven it up a bit. Luckily I had all the necessary paints at home...

to paint an Angry bird!

I just needed to buy some rope ...

And voila!