Sunday 31 March 2019

A lovely day ...

A lovely day for a family gathering and a stroll along the river.

And although I've driven through Ad Pirum Roman gate a zillion times (well, a couple of hundred times to be more precise), I never stopped.

Today we did and observed the massive walls and gates of what was once one of the most important defence posts on the route from Emona to Aquileia.

A lovely day indeed.

Saturday 23 March 2019

Two sides

Apparently there are two sides to every story.

There are also two sides of one's house.

This is on one side - my garden.

And this is on the other side - neighbours demolishing the old house.

It was such a lovely wooden house, now they will be building something ... well ... different.

Sunday 10 March 2019

What a week!


- saw Sergei Polunin dance live (wow!)

Photo taken from Youtube.

- saw Free Solo (WOW!)

- saw Qu'est-ce qu'on a encore fait au bon Dieu?

- had to see Lego Movie 2.

Tuesday 5 March 2019

Star Wars costumes

I'm sure every Mum sooner or later has to make a Star Wars costume.

Well, I had to make two in two days.

You know where this is going, right?

Indeed, Yoda himself: a coat, two hands, two feet, a cap with ears, and the cane. 

Here, Mr. Mojcek had to step in as I did not have enough time to make everything. A bit of cardboard, XPS, pur foam, a blue foil, paper mache, acrylic paint ... etc etc ...

The finished clone trooper!

Mission accomplished.