Wednesday 31 January 2024


One needs a proper cake for a birthday.

Especially if 20 people are invited. Then one needs more than just one proper cake.

So I made three cakes. 

One was the standard carrot cake, the one I always bake for myself. 

And the other two, well, they were Christophe Michalak's cakes.

No less.

The one in the front is this coconut-orange-passion-fruit cake. This one was almost perfect. Methinks. I even got the microbasil!

The other one was this chocolate-raspberry tart. I had some issues with assembly as I could not transfer the filling onto the sable. So I just turned it upside down ... 🤷 Oh well... But the tastes were super intense and delicious.


Sooo, we've been away.

In France.

Quelle surprise!

 It was beautiful - as it always is.

Despite troubles with our car.

Despite me feeling sick.

Despite the rain. 

Despite having to leave one day earlier.

But for once I did not regret returning home as this is what awaited me at home:
