Thursday 20 December 2018

Christmas cards!

This year's cards are on their way - some have already arrived at their destinations. So here they are:

My first attempts at calligraphy :-)

Escape room!

Escape rooms are great fun for solving but also for creating!

The last couple of days I was brainstorming for random ideas and we came up with an - IMHO - brilliant escape room for fellow mathematicians. Now I'm curious if they manage to solve all the clues... :-)

This is just a red herring, one of dozens in the room :-)

Friday 7 December 2018

Living Coral

Oooohhh, interesting.


Not a colour I'd pick, but then again, I'm not Pantone. I quite like it actually, Shimmering Sunset and Under the Sea harmonies being my favourite.

Tuesday 4 December 2018

Siip Siie

Radio Paradise just gave a new meaning to mantra...

And yet, there are thousands of listeners tuned in - probably curious like me about when will it finally end. We are approaching the big 100 now :-)

Update: After over eight hours and 137 repetitions of the same song, Bob Dylan came along :-)