Thursday 11 February 2016

Bat and James Bond

I decided to be a bat. Just some black clothes, black wings (I used the fabric that was left from the Harry Potter cloak) and some ears. Simple!

MiniMojcek Nr.1 wanted to be James Bond. Well, who doesn't want to be James Bond, right?

Luckily for me I found a black tie suit and shirt in H&M combined for about 30€ :-) So I only had to make a bow-tie, a holster and a gun. Well, I did the bow-tie and the holster, MrMojcek carved the gun (PPK something) out of wood and then painted it black.

And why do I always run out of black thread on a Saturday night? So everything was sewn with dark-blue, dark-red and dark-green...

Dumbledore costume

One day before the carnival my working table looked like this:

Thirty minutes later, the hat was made, without a pattern, just a slightly distorted ellipse and a rectangle sewn together.

All that I needed to make was the cloak, the beard and the glasses. As I was really rushing, so no time for taking pictures.

The glasses were simply made of a wire, the beard of felt and the wand used to be a wireless antenna :-)

Friday 5 February 2016

5th of February

Today is the fifth of February.

I have seen a field of blooming snowdrops.

And a field of lilac crocuses.

A cyclist wearing shorts.

And two shops full of Easter Bunnies and Easter eggs.

This is so wrong.

This is actually an older photo. But it looked just like that.