Friday 1 April 2011

More Agatha

30. DEATH ON THE NILE (Poirot)
Poirot books a cruise on the river Nile and meets an interesting bunch of people. Most noticeably the rich Linnet Doyle, her husband Simon and his ex. While enjoying the trip (see photo, taken a couple of years ago in Luxor), a murder occurs. And another. And another. And another. And another... Too many spoilers? Well, sorry :-) I did have troubles reading this book as I already knew the ending too well. A great book nevertheless.

Memorable quotes:
-"I know I'm mad, darling, but I can't help it. Marriage will cure me, I expect. It always seems to have a very sobering effect on people."
-"There's no reason why women shouldn't behave like rational beings (...) -Quite frequently they do. That is even more upsetting!"
-"Yes, I like that - loyalty, I mean. It's out of fashion nowadays."
-"He wants things just as a child wants them - you know - terribly."

Favourite Guest Character: Mr. Ferguson
Mystery: ****
Final Solution: ****
Entertainment: ***

What happens if Poirot goes to the dentist? The dentist is found dead as is one of his patients. Was it an accident, a suicide, a murder? Was he the target or was the actual target the famous banker, Alistair Blunt? In this story Poirot is not concerned with nations but with the lives of private individuals. And admiring a lady's foot gives the clue to the final solution.

Memorable quotes:
-"Relations don't know everything. You'd be surprised sometimes, the things they don't know."
-"You know, these fellows who want to take on the management of the world - what sort of an efficient business do they think they could make of it, when they can't even devise an effectual bomb?"
-"The gap between theory and practice is a wide one."
-"Don't you ever want to try anything new? - Not unless it's an improvement on the old, my dear."

Favourite Guest Character: Hm, probably Alistair Blunt
Mystery: **
Final Solution: ****
Entertainment: **

Poirot meets his Moriarty! This story is narrated by Hastings who worries more about his daughter's well being than the murder that is about to happen. The essential is invisible to Hastings' eyes but luckily there's Poirot who - albeit crippled - can still use his brains. He knows that something will happen at Styles, but does not know how, when, or who will be the victim. A sad sad story with a surprising, almost disturbing ending. When I finished reading I just sat there... and couldn't believe what I read. Poirot shall not hunt again.

Memorable quotes:
-"There comes a moment when hair dye is only too painfully obvious."
-"Some day she will know how wise old men are."
-"It was all, at any rate, double Dutch to me, and I aroused Judith's contempt by asking what good all this was likely to do to mankind? There is no question that annoys your true scientist more."
-"One swallow does not make a summer. But one murderer, Hastings, does make a murder."
-"People are too afraid of responsibility."
-"Two people who have suffered unhappiness have a great bond in common."

Favourite Guest Character: Judith
Mystery: ****
Final Solution: *****
Entertainment: **

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